Intense Energy Pulling (Powerful) | Fast Visual ASMR

Sunna Friðjónsdóttir
Published 2 years ago

Hi loves 💖💖 I now have opened up enrollment for my 6-month group program, the Surviving to Thriving Healing Container, which is a great way to work with me long-term and pragmatically and strategically towards a big change for your body and nervous system as a highly aware being (you might be or identify as an empath, HSP, autistic, adhd, energy-sensitive etc.). I have this masterclass ready for you to watch where I also tell you all you need to know about my program ✨
Sign up here:

🌲If you’re looking for something smaller to start with, I have a 2 for 1 deal for two of my mini-courses:

1. Spiritual Protection for the Warrior of Light & 2. Stop Being an Energy-Sponge

Welcome to this healing video ✨
This video is a very direct and intense energy pulling, healing video, where we pull away and let pour out anything that is blocking you and standing in the way of you fully stepping into the true expression of who you came into this life to be and express. Your true authentic undefinable you. We have so many subconscious reasons to be and show up not as who we truly are, to rather fit into boxes that make others around us comfortable, and understandably so - since we are going through this human experience where we do need and rely on other people, but if we go through traumatic relationships as we are young and growing up, we have a twisted foundation and beliefs about how to connect with others and where we end and others begin. This is a loving healing from me and my spirit team to you 🦋 You can watch it again and again if you're called to, but just ask yourself whether it is actually going to contribute, as for many who are watching, less is more with this one. This video can also be enjoyed for the fast visual ASMR as the hand movements are fast and close, just know that you will also be getting powerful energy healing on the side!

My name is Sunna and I am a healer, an Access Bars practitioner/facilitator, and a singer-songwriter/composer from Iceland. If you like this content then stick around in the comments and subscribe to not miss a future video from me 💖


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🦋🦋 BIG THANK YOU 🦋🦋 to my lovely Patreon supporters! On Patreon I do regular distance group Reiki sessions and give early access to my youtube videos.

Intense Energy Pulling (Powerful) | Fast Visual ASMR


aqua blue hair asmr energy healing asmr healing asmr reiki master energy healing asmr energy pulling fast asmr fast hand mvmts fast hand mvmts asmr fast visual asmr fast visual hand mvmts icelandic asmr icelandic healer intense energy healing intense energy pulling Intense Energy Pulling (Powerful) Intense Energy Pulling (Powerful) | Fast Visual ASMR intense energy pulling asmr powerful energy pulling real energy healing real energy pulling visual asmr

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