PINK or BLUE? Which one makes YOU tingle?? #asmr #shorts

asmr zeitgeist
Published 1 month ago

Pink or blue triggers! ASMR Zeitgeist gives you intense tingles with pink and blue triggers ONLY. But, which color gives you more ASMR?? Choose your fave in the comments? Foran upcoming color themed long form video for tingles, sleep and relaxation check out my channel! See you in the trigger lab!

Enjoy with headphones or earbuds to fully experience the binaural sounds. ASMR describes a pleasant physical sensation triggered by various stimuli. Popular triggers are soft voices and whispers but also sounds like tapping, scratching, brushing, or crinkle sounds. Personal attention scenarios are popular, too, like receiving professional ear cleaning or a haircut. Slime and Mukbang ASMR are hugely popular subcategories in the ASMR community. Videos like this are supposed to help you sleep, relax, study, focus, and, most importantly, give you some pleasant ASMR tingles.

#asmr #shorts

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