This is the perfect ASMR video for sleep, tingles and relaxation. Fast and slow paced directions to follow the light and follow my instructions will relax you completely: ASMR Follow my instructions, follow the light [fast and slow triggers for sleep]
Feel relaxed and welcome to subscribe, like this video and leave your precious feedback in the comment section below: it really, really helps me out a lot.
Time stamps:
00:00 01:00 Intro, soft spoken :)
01:01 01:59 Simple follow the light, fastand slow, horizontal and veritcal
02:00 02:50 ASMR follow the light, circular motions, fast and slow
02:51 04:59 ASMR follow the light, multiple directions, fast and slow
05:00 06:40 ASMR follow the light diagonally, fast and slow
06:41 07:59 Follow the light, unpredictable directions and speed
08:00 10:45 Focus on the light, focus on my earring, ASMR soft spoken
10:46 12:19 Focus on the light, focus on the pen, focus on my nose
12:20 13:59 Follow the pen, Follow the light, look at my nose
14:00 16:10 Follow the pen, follow the light, look at my nose, fast and slow
16:11 17:39 ASMR focus on the light, look at the wand (close up personal attention)
17:40 19:30 Look at the wand, follow the light, focus on me
19:31 21:20 Look at the light, look at my palm
21:21 23:08 Follow the loght, focus on my palm, look at my nose
23:09 24:04 Look at the light, look at the chopstick
24:05 26:00 Follow the light, look at the chopstick, focus on me
26:01 27:00 Please, comment, like, subscribe, thank you for watching
#asmr #followthelight #followmyinstructions
The Anxiety blender by Tinglestorm Podcast is a self help/mental health based podcast I created. In this podcast I share my story and focus on specific topics, so feel free to take active part. I also implement my ASMR content, for further relaxation.
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Intro Storm sounds courtesy of
anxiety relief asmr asmr community asmr for stress and sleep ASMR sleep ASMR Tingles asmrtist eye test fall asleep Female Voice focus on me follow my command follow my directions follow my finger follow my instructions Follow the light follow the pen with your eyes gibi asmr How to Fall Asleep how to relax karuna satori personal attention Quiet relax relaxation sleep soft spoken soothing voice tingles tinglestorm asmr Video for Sleep watch asmr