ASMR Whispered Random Facts | Ear To Ear Binaural Whispering
Welcome back :) This is another whispered random facts video, with 25 facts and ear to ear whispering throughout 💜 Really hope you guys enjoy! I have another whispered facts video due out soon that is more christmassy-themed, so look out for that one in about a week :)
Thank you all so much for watching!
Twitter: @periwinkle_asmr (I'm back on twitter!)
Instagram: periwinkleose.asmr
Email: [email protected]
Big thank you to my lovely Patrons! Sleep Frequency, Frederic, Gary, Andy H, Andy W, Cinnamon Chocolate, the Listener, Theo, Scott, Steph, Owen, Colin, Rob, Darkhorse, 13th Aesthetic, Dary 💜
ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response -
asmr asmr deep ear facts asmr ear to ear asmr ear to ear whispering ASMR Facts asmr facts ear to ear asmr facts whisper asmr random facts ASMR whisper asmr whispered random facts asmr whispered random facts ear to ear asmr whispers ear to ear Ear to Ear whisper Ear to Ear Whisper ASMR ear to ear whispered random facts facts asmr Periwinkle Rose ASMR periwinkle rose asmr facts random facts asmr whispered random facts whispered random facts asmr