Tonight’s intention is to release ourselves from the binds of attachments and the fears associated with letting them go.
We invite and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and support us in releasing the energies that cause us suffering and pain.
We ask that all cords to the attachment be severed so that we may see the truth that We are ENOUGH without it.
Memories of shame, guilt, trauma, abuse will be released to the past so that we may live free in the present.
Allow yourself to open to new possibilities.
To experience freedom from all that holds you back.
Speak these words to yourself:
I am not my thoughts
I am not my experiences
I am simply, the observer
I am here now. I create my reality from this point onwards
I am free to choose how I experience my life
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* Love everyone and tell the truth *
Time Stamps 👇🏻
00:00 Intro
3:56 Breathing & Grounding
08:00 lighting the intention candle
11:00 Aura Cleanse Spray
12:50 Reiki Symbols
14:00 Energy Pulling
17:00 Sage Smudge
18:00 Reiki Healing & Light Language
27:30 Selenite Wand Cleanse
30:00 Closing the session