asmr drawing on your face chaotic (uncut asmr) personal attention

Published 1 year ago

sorry sick still obviously😭😭😭 today we are doing a quick drawing on your face asmr with gloves, as said in the video my migraine meds make me loopy so we’ve definitely got a bit of chaos thrown in here as well, hope you guys enjoy!! SEE YA SOOOOOOOOOOON

#asmr #asmrpersonalatttention #glovesasmr #personalattention #talkingasmr #facetouching #chaoticasmr #closeupasmr

i’m hoping to do a fast & aggressive asmr next, meant to do it this vid but my headspace was not one of focusing at the task at hand unfortunately


asmrpersonalattention asmrroleplay personalattention asmr closeupasmr GLOVESASMR

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