ASMR - Dutch Trigger Words - Nail Tapping and Mic Brushing - Whispered

Queen of Tapping ASMR
Published 4 years ago

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This video contains more than 50 Dutch trigger words, nail tapping, finger flutters, tapping and some mic brushing. The words are a bit random:) Let me know in the comment section if there are any words you would love to learn! I recommend wearing headphones for the best tingle experience. Enjoy!

If you are new to my channel, don't forget to like, subscribe, and click the notification bell so you don't miss a thing! See you soon with my next video:-)

Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:06 Animals - dieren
01:19 Mouse - muis
01:39 Horse - paard
02:05 Turtle - schildpad
02:31 Aap - monkey
02:47 You are a monkey - Jij bent een aap
03:15 Today - vandaag
03:38 Tonight - vanavond
03:54 I have a birthday party tonight - vanavond heb ik een verjaardsfeestje
05:01 Brush - kwast
05:20 Purple - paars
05:26 Pink - roze
05:55 Dress - jurk
06:20 Black and white - zwart met wit
06:58 List - lijst
07:06 Office - kantoor
07:14 This is my office - dit is mijn kantoor
07:32 Hospital - ziekenhuis
07:55 Million - miljoen
08:12 Army - leger
08:41 Answer the question - antwoord de vraag
09:19 Trust - vertrouwen
09:33 Earbud - oordop
09:49 My body - mijn lichaam
10:11 Problems - problemen
10:25 My car - mijn auto
10:37 Cheeks - wangen
10:59 Woman - vrouw / I'm a woman - ik ben een vrouw
11:14 I'm a man - ik ben een man
11:44 Keyboard - toetsenbord
11:59 Microphone - microfoon
12:12 Blowing - blazen
12:29 Jewelry - sieraden
12:53 Accident - ongeluk
13:29 World - wereld
13:48 Instrument - instrument
14:01 Planet - planeet
14:18 Ghost - spook / geest
15:07 The weather is hot today - Het is warm weer vandaag
15:17 Hot - warm
15:23 Cold - koud
15:32 Swimming - zwemmen
15:47 Holiday - vakantie
16:04 Island - eiland
16:17 Airlpane - vliegtuig
16:45 Cork - kurk
16:55 Wood - hout
17:08 Notebook - notitieboekje
17:24 ASMR - ASMR
17:40 Welcome to my channel - Welkom op mijn kanaal
18:29 I don't know - Ik weet het niet
18:42 I have no idea - Ik heb geen idee
19:04 Smiling - lachen
19:16 House - huis
19:32 Three - drie

If you like this video, you might like:
Dutch Trigger Words part 1:

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Queen of Tapping

♡ Thanks for watching ♡


asmr fast tapping asmr fast triggers asmr tapping no talking asmr tapping video asmr whispering Dutch ASMR dutch trigger words dutch trigger words asmr Ear to Ear ASMR ear to ear tapping fast asmr fast tapping fast tapping asmr fast triggers fastest fast tapping fastest tapping ever gentle tapping mic brushing No Talking asmr queen of tapping queen of tapping asmr tapping asmr tapping fast tapping no talking tapping triggers Trigger Words ASMR

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