Hi everyone,
Tonight I'll be talking about the stars! Astronomy is one of my favourite subjects, it is just so fascinating to me! There are honestly so many areas I could go into, and everything I mention could have a video of its own. Keep in mind that estimates vary a little for the figures I mention, so you might find slightly different ones online.
I've accompanied my whispers with some mic brushing/scratching, and the whispers are slow and dreamy. Ultimately, the main goal is to create some ASMR so even though it's a super interesting subject, it's not meant to keep you awake haha. I thought about adding images/diagrams etc. but I didn't really want to distract from the hand movements because I know the visuals are important for some people.
I'm thinking about making this a series called Let Me Tell You About..., it doesn't have to be purely astronomy based and if there are any interesting subjects you'd like to hear about let me know.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Zoë 💖
Here is a list of some of the lesser known terms for anyone who wants to learn more (some of these I only briefly mention but will probably make a video about them at a later date):
Asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
Brown dwarf
Cepheid variables
Era of the atom
Galactic bulge
Galactic centre
Galactic halo
Gravitational collapse
Heavy elements
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Hydrogen/helium shell burning
Hydrostatic equilibrium
Interstellar space
Metal-rich stars
Mira variables (I always say Mee-ra but I think it's actually My-ra)
Neutron capture (s-process)
Nuclear fusion
Orion Spur
Planetary nebula
Population I, II and III stars
Red giants
Stellar remnants (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes)
Type Ia and type II supernovae
Wolf-Rayet stars
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S o u n d s u s e d i n i n t r o:
breeze.wav by keweldog
(Creative Commons 0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
Wind 5 Borg Bass.mp3 by missteik
(Creative Commons 0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
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A b o u t A S M R:
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, a term coined for the fuzzy or tingly sensation felt in response to certain audio, visual or other sensory stimuli. This sensation tends to start in the scalp but can work it's way down the body, and is associated with a strong feeling of relaxation. These videos are created to try and elicit this response, and also to be relaxing in general.
E q u i p m e n t:
Video - Samsung Galaxy S10+
Audio - Tascam DR-05x
#ASMR #micbrushing #astronomy
asmr asmr accent asmr breathy whispers asmr dark background asmr female asmr fluffy mic asmr girl asmr hand movements asmr let me tell you about the stars asmr let me tell you about the stars slow dreamy whispers mic brushing asmr mic brushing asmr nails asmr scottish asmr slow dreamy whispers mic brushing asmr slow whispers asmr sounds ASMR Tingles asmr whispers asmr youtube astronomy Education science space zoe esther asmr