hi friends☺️ i made this video for those who are having a hard time falling asleep, inspired by my recent bout of insomnia lol. i have always found scalp attention videos to be extra sleep-inducing, so i hope you find this video as relaxing as i do🫶🏻
sweet dreams,
0:00-6:10 scalp massage
6:10-8:52 hair parting
8:52-13:44 hair brushing
13:44-16:29 scalp massage again
~tags & keywords~
asmr scalp massage, asmr slow and gentle scalp attention, asmr scalp attention, asmr scalp massage, asmr hair parting, asmr hair brushing, gentle asmr, slow asmr, asmr personal attention, asmr for sleep, no talking asmr, sleep aid
#asmr #asmrpersonalattention #asmrscalpattention #asmrscalpmassage #asmrhairbrushing #slowasmr #asmrforsleep #notalkingasmr #sleepaid
asmr Scalp Massage Sleep Aid