#asmr #asmrgloves #asmrscratching
💜 ASMR scratching Black Satin Corset with long Acrylic black nails, Black and White Satin Gloves. Visual trigger with different colors of satin. Scratching fabric, satin. Rubbing skin with nails and gloves, Rubbing fabric and satin. Touching camera and kisses. Repetitive hands movements and a lot of smiling! Relaxing sounds that will make you sleep! Hope you enjoy! Much love to everyone! Kisses 💜
⏰ Chapters:
00:00 ASMR intro
00:11 Scratching Corset Fabric with nails
09:35 Scratching with nails and Black satin glove
10:12 Wearing black satin glove
10:57 Rubbing fabric with satin gloves
13:45 Wearing white satin gloves
15:49 Taking off satin gloves
16:35 Kisses
🎀 Check my Black satin gloves video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWFWkWHMviU&t=88s
🎀 Check my White satin gloves video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmKn5qzVaxs&t=478s
🎧 Headphones are recommended for ASMR tingles.
👂 Please adjust the audio volume to your ASMR taste.
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🤔 What is ASMR?
ASMR is (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) that is best described as a tingling sensation, on the scalp, down the back of the neck, upper spine, on the shoulders, on the skin or throughout the body. Often people listening to the sounds of ASMR videos to help them with relax, calm, still, peace, while studying, working, or simple to help them fall asleep.
acrylic nails asmr asmr corset fitting asmr corset lacing asmr corset review asmr fabric asmr fabric scratching asmr no talking asmr satin scratching asmr scratching camera touching comforting you eye contact girl girl wearing a corset glove Goth Girl hand movements help to sleep long nails mic no talking personal attention rubbing fabric satin corset satin glove satin gloves satisfying scratching sounds SMILES smiles positive vibes Tracing woman