Questions and Answers About Heather Feather ASMR Part 1

Heather Feather ASMR
Published 12 years ago

HI everyone! First, let me just say that I don't expect any of you to watch all of this. I wouldn't want to listen to myself talk about myself for an hour hahahahah. The video was originally 2 hours long because I got 80+ questions from you guys---and I didn't want to ignore anyone because I am really grateful for each one of you. I had originally wanted this video to have a lot of props, but because of the amount of responses, it's just me and a dry erase board. My editing software wouldn't not allow me to process the video as a whole, so I had to split it. I will post part 2 tomorrow. Also, I made this after a long day, and as a result I look really run down. I hadn't realized how disheveled and..."droopy" I was looking till after I spent almost 3 hours making the you might want to listen with your eyes closed, haha. In addition I also sound a little nasal, my voice gets tired at parts and becomes a little gritty, and I lose my composure sometimes in the video (and stupidly laugh and make voices that aren't conducive to ASMR). I was also a little uncomfortable because I was squished between my dinning room table and a makeshift table I constructed out of chairs and plastic to hold up an easel. Part of me didn't want to post the video at all. However, you guys had waited almost a month for this, I wanted to thank you for being so patient, and and I thought MAYBE it could bore you guys to sleep, lol. Le sigh. As always, I'm sorry about any audio lagging and choppy editing. Happy Viewing!

You can find me elsewhere on the internet:

Paypal account: I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love---that said, any donations are greatly appreciated.


asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Board calming Discussion dry erase board female Female Soft Voice ASMR Heather Feather Heather Feather ASMR markers Q&A questions and asnwers relax relaxing sleep soft spoken Talking Video for Anxiety Relief Video for Insomnia Video for Relaxation Video for Sleep

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