In today's medical roleplay, you are back in the hospital with a radial fracture (a broken bone in your wrist). The orthopedist doctor will review your x-ray (00:44) and then gently examine your wrist (1:42). After the exam, she will put a soft gauze wrap around your arm to protect your skin from the cast (6:02). Once your arm is covered in gauze, the doctor will begin wrapping plaster casting around your arm, while intermittently wetting it with a spray bottle (8:25). Once the plaster casting is on and smoothed out (13:01), the doctor will wrap tape around the cast to protect it (15:56) and then you are free to go!
Also, I know I pointed to the wrong side for a radial fracture. Oops! Sorry!
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ACMP asmr orthopaedic orthopaedist orthopedic exam role play roleplay