Dude That's Wholesome (that's me!) proudly presents Monstober. An ASMR Event where in the month of October there will be a new monster girl each day to give you her company!
Become a Member For Early Access, Emotes and Directly Supporting Me!:
Use this playlist to see all the content early: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOz7k6mD0qSokM0RL70fMt7A
Blue Bird: @DudesCrusade
Discord gg/DTL
All artwork seen is by: usagi_chi
Edited by my slave monkey Widow
#asmr #dudethatswholesome #asmrproject
No, none of the videos are paywalled. Just wait if you don't want to support me :)
asmr DTL asmr dtw asmr dude thats lewd dude thats wholesome gentle help to sleep relaxing roleplaying sleep sleep to asmr tingle tingle asmr tingles WHOLESOME asmr