Hello! Here is a new video! 20 triggers to help you fall asleep or relax. It's my longest video yet, so I hope you like it!
Thank you so much to those of you who have supported me and donated :) I appreciate you guys so much, so thank you! Please take care of your health~ Enjoy the video, and let me know any other videos you would like to see! Sweet dreams~
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T O T A L L Y T N T(First channel)
◦ https://www.youtube.com/user/TotallyTnT
S O C I A L M E D I A:
◦ Instagram: @torii.perez
◦ Snapchat: @totally.tnt
◦ Twitter: @toriperezz
&fmt=18 &fmt=22 asmr asmr 20 triggers asmr anxiety asmr chill asmr fall asleep asmr no talking asmr relax ASMR sleep ASMR Tingles ASMR triggers asmr triggers to help you fall asleep asmr triggers to help you sleep totally tori yt:quality=high