ASMR | 30 Facts about Me (German ASMR)✨

ASMR Summer
Published 3 years ago

Hey everybodyyy,
Yeah I didn't figure out how subtitles work yet so I'll just leave a short translation down below:D Btw yes I am aware that you can see my eyes a lot and no I don't mind:D
Thank you so much for all your support, I truly hope you enjoy this video!😊
Have a wonderful day!🧡🧡

1) I love "Dampfnudeln" (I'm just gonna call it a doughball:D)
2) I've always wanted a golden retriever named Marley
3) Everytime I go to McDonalds Drive In my boyfriend has to order for me
4) I hate having to call someone I don't know
5) I hate sleeping in socks
6) I'm trying this thing where I turn the temperature of my shower really cold for the last 1-2 minutes (it sucks)
7) My favorite subject in school was biology and PE
8) I spent a "year" abroad and visited a High School on the Sunshine Coast in Australia
9) One of my all-time favorite movies is Parent Trap
10) I love playing Just Dance on the Wii and basically know each dance by heart
11) I failed my practial driver exam twice:D
12) I used to be super scared of spiders
13) I'm an only child but have a 13 year old Golden Doodle that I adore
14) My eye color is black
15) I have a weird obsession with gum
16) I love going grocery shopping
17) The definition of my hair color is hazelnut brown:D
18) Whenever I go to the drugstore I come with everything but the one thing I actually needed
19) I'm still in contact with my best friend from America
20) After 3 months of living in the States I spoke english fluently
21) I love diving
22) I'm more of a morning person
23) I have a fructose intolerance and I hate it:D
24) I once had a fish for 3 days that I named Angelica:D
25) One of my most prized possesions is a gumbball mashine that I won as a child:D
26) I used to collect / play with rocks (I know)
27) I got my first job at 13 / 14 delivering newspaper
28) When we lived in Texas we experienced a hurricane ("Ike")
29) As a child I always wanted to be a marine biologist
30) One thing I'm still proud of to this day is breaking into out local pool at like 3 am

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o Blue Yeti microphone -
o My camera -
o Ringlight -
o Windscreens –
o Small tripod -
o Large tripod -
o Mini microphone -
o Microphone stand -
o Anti-Stress Mat -

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o Tuesday
o Thursday
o Saturday


asmr asmr 30 facts about me asmr blue yeti asmr facts about me asmr for relaxation asmr get to know me asmr glass tapping asmr in another language ASMR in german asmr light tapping asmr q&a asmr semi inaudible whispering asmr whispering german asmr tingly asmr

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