Steph's FINALLY back for another tattoo tracing & soft tickling on her OTHER arm this time!! We're back under the blacklight for all the magical glow-y feels, and we've got an ol' crinkly friend joining us for some bonus tickly tingles. Hope ya'll enjoy this sweet reunion - we sure did!! 💖
00:00 - 03:20 soft arm tickling intro w/ hard candy
03:20 - 05:00 ballerina fingers
05:00 - 16:20 tattoo tracing/show & tell
16:20 - 17:25 soft, smooth strokes & rambling
17:25 - 18:39 crinkly tingles
18:39 - 19:40 micro scratching & tracing
19:40 - 20:04 demonstrating how I like my arms tickled
21:02 - 22:48 hand tracing
22:48 - 23:51 soft, slow arm scratching
If ya love our glow-y goodies, get em here :
If ya love my nails, get em here...
Give us a holler here...
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ARM BRUSHING arm scratching arm tracing asmr asmr arm brushing asmr glow asmr hand massage asmr massage asmr tickle ASMR Tingles ASMR whisper asmr whisper ear to ear asmr whispering asmr wrist scratching Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Blacklight ASMR ear to ear hand tracing light brushing relaxing relaxing videos for anxiety Sleep ASMR sleepy soft arm tickling soft close whispers tattoo tracing tingles Whisper ASMR whispering wrist asmr