ASMR Fast & Aggressive Foam Disc Rubbing & Buffing On Foam Mic Cover - Very Intense! No Talking

Kirsty ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Hello Everyone!

I've had lots of requests for this video after my previous videos with this foam disc. I hope you all enjoy!

If you want to hear the foam disc on the mic without cover check out this video -


If you'd like to support me (no pressure!) -


aggressive assmr aggressive mic rubbing asmr asmr asmr aggressive asmr aggressive blue yeti rubbing asmr aggressive buffing asmr aggressive fast asmr aggressive mic buffing asmr aggressive mic cover rubbing asmr aggressive mic rubbing asmr blue yeti mic rubbing asmr buffing asmr fast asmr fast aggressive asmr fast mic buffing asmr fast mic cover rubbing asmr kirsty asmr mic buffing asmr mic rub asmr mic rubbing fast asmr kirsty asmr mic rub asmr

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