안녕하세요~ 주인님들~! 오늘은 저희가
귀청소 해드릴께요!!?
오늘 쌍둥이 귀청소 입니다 ‘-’//
항상 좋은 꿈만 꾸세요 !
Hello everyone!
I am Korean ASMR melody!
The thing that will help you sleep
This is Oriental Twin MAID's EAR CLEANING
I hope You let me know your feelings after watch.
Please wear headphones for the best experience!
https://goo.gl/5PKYTB - candy Eating
https://goo.gl/SbLHdq -Mouth sound
페이팔 기부 - Thank you for your support PayPal - https://goo.gl/aG8WK9
트위피 기부 - https://twip.kr/donate/melody1004
트위치 twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/melody1004
하고싶은 말들이나 요청사항은 - [email protected]
asmr ear Ear Cleaning japanese asmr korean asmr maidasmr maids Oriental Twin MAID's Orientalasmr rp twinasmr 音フェチ