ASMR Relaxing Doctor Check Up (Roleplay)

Notorious ASMR
Published 1 year ago

Hi everyone! I hope you guys are having an awesome Saturday! Tonight I’m excited to show y’all the collab I recently did with @PralieneASMR ! It’s a doctor roleplay and I hope it gives you the most amazing tingles! Make sure you give the video a like and make sure to subscribe to Praliene as well! Love you guys. ❤️


asmrcommunity asmrnurse asmrpersonalattention asmrroleplay asmrsounds asmrtingles asmrtriggers asmrwhispers asmrwriting asmr asmrcollab Asmrcollaboration asmrdoctor asmrmedical asmrmictriggers asmrtist asmrvideo Asmrwhispering calming collabvideo DoctorASMR fallasleep mictriggers personalattentiontriggers relaxing Satisfying sleep sleepsounds sleeptriggers tingles triggers writingsounds WRITINGTRIGGERS

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