Happy International Woman's Day to all women and females! This is the 4th time I've taken the time to make a short video of how much I really love supporting female ASMRtist. I've been in the ASMR community for about 5 years now ever since COVID started and I'm deeply thankful that this community is so nice! Also for being very helpful and spreading positive vibes. I really do support all female ASMRtists for 5 years continuously and I wanted to say that I'm grateful to every woman on Youtube for their videos. In addition to this short video speech, I also wanted to say that not only that I love ASMR, but I really do love female drummers and female singers too. Even female musicians as well. I did say a little speech on how I love female musicians too as much I love female ASMRtist too. I even explained why I keep making videos like this every year every March. Was very eager making this video for this special day and month!
#happyinternationalwomensday #internationalwomensday #womensday #girlpower #girlsday #women #girls #gals
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