Hello everyone
Thank you so much for being here. I hope you're all well & safe. Unfortunately I'm not well at the moment, I think it might be the dreaded virus so I'm isolating right now. I hope you can forgive my washed out appearance & my comfy dressing gown, I really wanted to get a video out today as yesterday was my usual upload day and I couldn't record anything as I was coughing too much. I've spend most of today not talking to calm my throat enough to film this (and only had to edit out 1 coughing fit, yay!)
So this is just a simple 100% pure tongue clicking video, I didn't pair it with anything else as I know personally I prefer just tongue clicking so I hope you guys like this :-)
asmr asmr no talking asmr tongue click asmr tongue clicking no talking No Talking asmr tongue click tongue clicking tongue clicking no talking tongue tapping