Neck & Chest Massage to Release Tension | SLEEP THERAPY 😴 💤[ASMR]

Shiatsu Shane - ASMR Massage
Published 2 years ago

I cant call this a no talking video because there is a tiny little bit as I stretch her neck to help release tension. The majority of this massage is focused around the neck and chest however there are parts where I massage the scalp, around the jaw and even into the armpits. But that's because everything is connected. Hope this helps you sleep.

this is what I do with alot of my clients however id also recommend they do some mobility work too such as this

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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine.

The videos created by Shiatsu Shane are not intended to replace any medical care or counselling that you as an individual may require. The videos created on this channel are for the purpose of mindfulness, relaxation and entertainment.
#ASMR #ASMRMassage #PersonalattentionASMR


asmr massage asmr neck massage ASMR sleep chest massage deep tissue massage Head Massage levator scapulae Massage ASMR massage therapy neck massage neck massage asmr oil neck massage for neck pain physical therapy real person asmr relaxing massage shoulder pain treatment

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