SQUID GAME NETFLIX REVIEW | deep thoughts on end scene! (sufferings of life, compassion, eternity)

Robyn ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Hello lovely people, today I'll be with my Mum reviewing the viral Netflix series you’ve probably heard of: Squid Game! It certainly sparked some deep convo on the end scene with the old man. We chatted about the main character having compassion and eternity chats from a biblical pov. Hope you enjoy! You’ll find the links mentioned below.

DIANE’S CHANNEL | https://youtube.com/c/dianeroberts22
REQUEST A PROPHETIC PICTURE | https://www.dianerobertsartist.com/prophetic-art

P R A Y E R VIDEO🙏🏼 F O R M | https://forms.gle/SwCVL3C4Zv88Yuy29
D o n a t e | https://donorbox.org/robyn-eede

// P r o d u c t s
Prayer Journal ‘Strengthen’| https://amzn.to/3fTtF95
Purple Journal 'I know the plans’ | https://amzn.to/3gVq4sf
Fairy lights | https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0831DHGJD/?tag=robyneedeus-20
Diffuser | https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V9JP8EE/?tag=robyneedeus-20

#squidgame #netflix #review #squidgamereview #Christian #jesuslovesyou

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// A B O U T
I’m Robyn, passionate about sharing God’s presence with you & inspiring you to bring him into your life at every moment.

My aim is to help you build God into your daily routine by facilitating guided prayer time to focus your attention completely on him. I point you towards a deeper relationship with Spirit, strengthening your connection with him to allow powerful healing. Subscribe to get inspired by new videos weekly!


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