The Elements | Air ☁️ | 3 of 7

ASMR With Victoria
Published 3 years ago

Hope you enjoy the scenery shots and music 🌿. 🎶

Air is vital to life for breath but also to support us and provide movement around us. Join me as I sit amongst the bluebells, listen to the trees blustering above me and describe how we think about air and how we can easily connect with our air element in order to promote health and empathy for others and ourselves. I show you the air mudra, we take three deep breaths and we listen to soft flowing chanting music called 'Morning Raga by Jane Saraswati Clapham' of

You'll also see some stunning footage of bluebells recorded in my local woods. Let your senses soar.

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air Air Element asmr bluebells element Soft Voice wind victoria sprigg health intended

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