[ASMR] Soft & Deep Tissue Massage To Ease her Aching Back - Reducing Pain & Stress [no Talking]

Shiatsu Shane - ASMR Massage
Published 4 years ago

#asmr #backmassage #shiatsushane
No Talking or Music in this relaxing back massage that incorporates both soft tissue and deep tissue massage along with my unique blend of using pressure points to ease your aching muscles.
In this video i decided to experiment with 2 things
1. using the body cushion system that helps a woman lay more natural this was first time i used it... plus recording with 2 different mics to create a layered sound.... i personally really enjoyed doing the massage and the effect the 2 mics created... and i hope you do too.

Midroll adverts..... so i cant avoid midrolls YouTube are doing there best to make sure every channel has them.... but i can help you out....I'll tell you where there going to be if you jump to them points... watch them all the restart the video you should be able to watch without interruption
0:41, 2:52, 24:49, 26:37.... This is only a theory so please let me know in comments below
Time Stamps....
0:00 - start
1:02 stretching muscles away from spine
2:00 - warming the muscles up
3:18 - working the upper traps and neck
7:00 - easing the right shoulder up
11:20 - stretching the body and working up the spine
13:44 - massaging the left shoulder
22:00 - easing the muscles around the spine
24:50 - close up neck massage
25:30 - stretching chest
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Welcome to My channel I'm Shane known locally as shiatsu Shane and i specialise in shiatsu which is a Japanese style body work designed to work pressure points and meridians to support healing within the body. But I'm also trained in many massage therapies, i created this channel in February 2019 to help people as I learned that through watching massage videos it helps to relax people and ease them of there anxieties, stress and worries even helping with insomnia.
My clinic is great and i love working directly hands on with people but i love youtube too because i can help lots of people all at once. My Goal with this channel is to keep growing it so that i reach and help more people just like you!
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[email protected]
Disclaimer: *** This video is created for entertainment purposes only and cannot replace any medication, professional treatment or therapy. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please consult your physician first.
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), sometimes Auto Sensory Meridian Response,[2][3][4] is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia[5][6] and may overlap with frisson.


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