0:00 Close Up Whispering, Fluffy Mic Scratching, Rain Sounds
1:47 My Love Mine All mine
4:59 Amar Pelos Dois
7:53 Je te laisserez des mots
10:15 Moon River
12:45 I'm in here
16:32 A Dream is a wish your heart makes
19:10 Dream a little dream of me
20:29 Cinnamoon Girl
24:26 Lights are on
27:36 Heart of Stone
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- privat: https://www.instagram.com/lidiazni/profilecard/?igsh=MWpvNW11MTVqdnZjZA==
- ASMR: https://www.instagram.com/asmrlidi/profilecard/?igsh=NXY5eWxrZTRkMzE5
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