ASMR Up Close Ear to Ear Tickling Trigger Words🤩 (Japanese, Far to Close)

Published 1 year ago

Oh everyone! I made new videos of ear to ear and far to close trigger words that I've been making for a long time! 😳Today is the first Japanese version. English and Korean videos are also scheduled. It consists of three parts per word: whispering around you, holding microphones, and visual triggers with whispering. I don't know if it's completed well, but I'd be so happy if you enjoyed it.😳 Be careful of your health and always love ya! 😳 #ASMR #asmrtriggerwords #asmrJapanese

00:00 Preview
05:55 Far to Close Ear to Ear 遠くから近く耳から耳へ
06:50 Mochi Mochi (Sticky) もちもち
08:37 Tekuteku (tap tap) てくてく
10:06 Guruguru (Round and round) ぐるぐる
11:18 Pakupaku (pluck) パクパク
13:21 Amuamu Hamuhamu (nomnom) あむあむ はむはむ
15:21 Chikutaku (Tick tock) チクタク
17:49 tomato トマト
18:42 Mogumogu (nomnom) もぐもぐ
18:42 Sukisuki (like) すきすき
21:39 Karikari Korikori (crunchy) カリカリコリコリ
23:57 Pokopoko (Bubble bubble) ぽこぽこ
25:01 Zokuzoku (tingling) ゾクゾク
26:40 Dokidoki (Pit-A-Pat)ドキドキ
28:34 Suyasuya (sleeping sound) すやすや
30:22 Bikubiku (tingling) びくびく
30:22 Pachipachi (sparking crackling) ぱちぱち
35:20 Zokuzoku (tingling) ゾワゾワ
37:15 Wakuwaku (Pit-A-Pat) わくわく
38:32 Funifuni (soft) ふにふに プニプニ
38:32 Nyan'nyan (meow) ニャンニャン
42:55 Hisohiso (whispering) ヒソヒソ
45:05 Tottottonton (tap tap) とっとっ トントン
47:19 Gyu~tsu (tightly) ギュッ
48:52 Yoshiyoshi (okay) よしよし
50:29 Nadenade (strocking) なでなで
51:55 Gosogoso koshokosho (rustling) ゴソゴソ こしょこしょ
54:25 Fuwafuwa (fluffy) ふわふわ
56:03 Kororororo (rolling around) コロロロロ
57:03 Mofumofu (fluffy) もふもふ
58:52 Patapata (pitter-patter) ぱたぱた
01:07 Katakata (rattling) カタカタ
01:01:28 Kochokocho (tickle tickle) こちょこちょ
01:02:42 Tsurutsuru (Smooth) ツルツル
01:04:49 Peropero (clap clap) ペロペロ
01:06:27 Nikoniko (Smiling) にこにこ
01:07:12 Chuuu (lip sounds) ちゅー

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asmr asmr japanese ASMR Trigger Words

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