Celebrate and save up to 25% by clicking my link https://www.blueland.com/theluneinnate5
If you'd like to support the channel and get access to other catalogs of session Patreon is a great option. Thank you Patreons!! This month marks the return of Long Form XOXOX
If you resonate with me as a Reiki teacher my classes are listed below with discount codes. :)
Thank you so much for allowing me to share a little piece of your path tonight. Wishing you nothing but the very best.
Other videos on these subjects
Dopamine Balancing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXwa3ZvQY84
No Talking Media Cleanse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jneQchGKxQ
All my classes are 15% off with discount codes:
#asmr #reiki #healing
Thank you for all the love. Your comments truly have been a life saver to me lately, really reminding me of all the love and support and connection that exists.
Thank you so much for your support. I really want to move to a quiet area and have a room dedicated to these sessions. :)
Patreon Catalogs https://www.patreon.com/luneinnate
Reiki Classes https://luneinnate.teachable.com
Tip Jar https://www.luneinnate.com/support
Insta https://www.instagram.com/luneinnate
Audio tracks and other offerings https://www.luneinnate.com/shop
Business Inquiries Email: [email protected]
asmr aura asmr aura cleansing asmr reiki asmr reiki healing asmr reiki Lune Innate asmr roleplay dopamine balancing dopamine detox dopamine reset energy brushing asmr energy healing meditation energy pulling and cord cutting healing session asmr media cleanse reiki personal healing Reiki ASMR reiki for release reiki for releasing fear reiki healing reiki plucking and pulling reiki plucking asmr reiki teacher