Time Travel Tuesday: Back To The Future - ASMR - Soft Spoken, Whispering, Tracing, Tapping

Published 11 years ago

Hello fellow Tingleheads :) I had some technical issues this week (which are now remedied) that resulted in the schedule getting temporarily thrown off. Thank you for being so patient and understanding, I really appreciate it! I wish I could say the delay was due to me going back in time, getting stranded there, and needing 1.21 gigawatts to get back, but that happened to someone else. Coincidentally, in this installment of TTT, we will be discussing just that ;)

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Common triggers included: Soft Spoken, Whispering, Tracing, Tapping

Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!


asmr Back To The Future (Film) calm calming hypnosis relax relaxation relaxing sleep soft spoken tapping Time Travel (Literary Genre) whisper

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