Vagus Nerve Ear Massage for Stress And Anxiety Relief

Shiatsu Shane - ASMR Massage
Published 2 years ago

Vagus nerve ear massage is great for stress and anxiety relief because there’s a link between the location of this nerve, the auditory apparatus, and certain functions of the human body systems. The ear is a gateway to the nervous system. There are specific areas where to stimulate the vagus nerve, mainly in the outer part of the ear.

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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine.

The videos created by Shiatsu Shane are not intended to replace any medical care or counselling that you as an individual may require. The videos created on this channel are for the purpose of mindfulness, relaxation and entertainment.
#ASMR #ASMRMassage #PersonalattentionASMR


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