Update: The option to give a “Super Thanks” is now available on my videos. This means you can give a one-time donation while watching a video and send a personalized, colorful message to stand out in the comment section 💖 DISCLAIMER: This video is for the purpose of relaxation and tingles only! Do not perform a scalp check on a real person with sharp or pointed tools!! Please enjoy with headphones!
Hello my lovely friends,
and welcome to today's video. Today I'm going to check your scalp with my rattail comb, my hands and with my new chopsticks. After that I'm going to treat your scalp with my medical instruments (dental picks), my swab, a scalp roller and other tools before giving you a special phototherapy treatment. There will also be a lot of whispering, the sound of gloves and also some hair combing and a relaxing head massage.
You can just sit back, let go of your thoughts and I hope you can relax a bit. Enjoy the personal attention and the relaxing crispy sounds and please like (if you like it) and if you want to see more, then please subscribe to my channel.
Lots of love,
The darker version begins at 26:23
💖 If you want to help me to save up for binaural microphones you can find the link to my Ko-fi Page here: https://ko-fi.com/ginawhispers
💖 Thank you so much to my lovely supporters: Alexander, Amanda, Andrea, Arianne, Brooke, Firefly, Kat, Laura, Lisa, Maya, Megan, Meike, Michelle, Paige, Sigrid
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ginawhispers_asmr/?hl=de
🧭 I upload every Friday
💖 Send a Tip: https://ko-fi.com/ginawhispers
All donations and tips are used to improve the channel. Thank you so much for your support!
------------ Disclaimer --------------------------------
This video is for the purpose of relaxation and tingles only and does not contain any medical advice. If you suffer from any medical issues please go and see a doctor.
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asmr Black gloves clinic close up comb combing crispy doctor doll head for sleep gentle gloves hair Handschuhe instrument Instrumente instruments kopfhautuntersuchung medical medical roleplay medizinisch metal nitrile gloves Nurse parting personal attention pointed rat tail rat tail comb rattail real hair relaxing revisión del cuero cabelludo rollenspiel scalp check scalp triggers sharp sharp tool slow stroking thorough tingles tinlgy tool tools доктор 音フェチ