ASMR Intense Fast Aggressive Hand Sounds [Finger Snapping] Loud/Bassy Sounds (no talking)

TapTime ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Welp... i accidentally recorded with the wrong pattern setting on the Blue Yeti. It was not on the "stereo" pattern as usual but on "cardioid", which only picks up sounds from the front... So i added that tingly effect you might know from some of my previous videos. Hope you enjoy it :)

In today's asmr video i do intense fast, aggressive and loud hand sounds (only finger snapping)
There's rhythmic, far away to up close, setting and breaking the pattern, left to right sounds, etc...
Some of these don't really work with this pattern setting tho :(

As always: high sensitivity/high gain, deep/bassy sounds with the Blue Yeti mic. No talking.
Hope you enjoy the video and you can sleep/study/focus or just relax to it 😴

Video suggested by Chachi 😄

Channel art/picture made by Youjin Tsukino @JIN-JIN ASMR 😊

#asmr #handsounds #fastandaggressive


Aggressive ASMR asmr asmr 2022 asmr finger snapping asmr for sleep asmr hand sounds bass asmr bassy asmr fast and aggressive fast and aggressive asmr fast and aggressive hand sounds fast asmr hand sounds high gain asmr high sensitivity asmr intense asmr loud asmr unpredictable asmr Асмр агрессивный АСМР Звуки рук 音フェチ асмр ginger snapping

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