💘my beautiful sunshine confettis!!!💘
HELLO! and meet the healing feather! U GUYS, i bought this feather foreveeeerrr ago, and i finally made a video with it! i hope it's relaxing! if you like it, please let me know and i'll create another one! i can even get different color feathers too! :)
i am so proud of you and love you so much!
sending all my love!
feel free to reach out!
💘email: [email protected]
💘instagram: hannahconfetti
asmr blue yeti gum asmr blue yeti gum chewing asmr blue yeti gum sounds asmr feather asmr feather gum chewing asmr feather personal attention asmr feather tickling asmr gum asmr gum chewing asmr gum chewing personal attention asmr gum feather asmr gum personal attention asmr gum positive affirmations asmr gum sounds asmr personal attention feather hannah confetti gum hannah confetti gum chewing