Schools open during the Zombie Apocalypse (ASMR Roleplay)

Published 4 years ago

The schools are opening back up amidst the zombie apocalypse. We understand that opening schools back up may be slightly controversial as it may lead to an increased death count... but..but... E C O N O M Y....

This is the first episode of an ASMR series which records the teaching styles and curriculum now being taught during the zombie plague.

To specifically clarify, this is a ten episode series of zombie apocalypse ASMR roleplays. This will impact on the lore of the YouTube channel, and more videos may be made with these characters or in this setting in the future.

I would also love to know if you like zombie apocalypse asmr roleplays? Or apocalypse roleplays in general? Is creepy ASMR or horror ASMR a good or bad thing?

Also I low-key had a lot of fun playing this zombie character. I find blending the vocal fry that I get in my voice with classic zombie sounds gives me some super duper fun characterization.

~ Harry.


*Triggers included in this video*
- Lots of random vocal fry
- Deep male voice
- Alternating ear to ear between deep male voice and a more airy normal male voice
- Guttural zombie noises
- Vocal fry blending into zombie noises
- Zombie transformation ticks and yawns
- Male Australian soft spoken accent
- Noise filtering / background noise filtered out and compression added

~ I hope that these triggers are okay for you and that you can get some tingles, relaxation, entertainment or even sleep!


I make these videos to help my audience. That is my top priority and interest. Therefore, if you have *any* ideas at all on how I may improve my content please reach out to me. This can include editing, style, frequency of posting, engagement, length of video or anything else you can think of.

I have various social media. The best way to contact me is via email:
[email protected]

Instagram: @SomeReadingsASMR
Twitter: @asmr_some
Pinterest: SomereadingsASMR
Facebook page: SomereadingsASMR
Minds: @somereadingsasmr
Tumblr: somereadingsasmr

This is my paypal if you would like to support my efforts:

What is the purpose of this video & what is ASMR?
A simple google search will give you this answer. ASMR audiences use these videos as a sleep aid, a study aid, anxiety and depression relief, loneliness relief, escapism, relaxation, education, to experience ASMR and a multitude of other reasons.


asmr asmr male australian accent asmr male deep voice asmr male roleplay asmr male roleplay zombie apocalypse asmr male soft spoken asmr roleplay asmr school principal asmr teacher asmr teacher roleplay asmr zombie asmr zombie apocalypse asmr zombie apocalypse ambience asmr zombie apocalypse roleplay roleplay Some Readings ASMR somereadingsasmr zombie apocalypse asmr audio zombie apocalypse asmr male zombie apocalypse asmr roleplay zombie apocalypse asmr rp

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