ASMR| Spontaneous Personal Attention (Close Whisper)

Published 4 years ago

There are heavy hearts across the world at this time, and I hope this video can bring you validation, comfort, a sense of safety, and a space to just be and come as you are.

***Today’s video included a loft whisper with spontaneous trigger words, along with hand movements and other various triggers.
Such as a close up whisper, hand movements, tracing, personal attention, repeating words, whispered affirmations, and words of self love for you all.💕 (Blue Yeti mic)

*****🌟🌟Business email: [email protected]
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ASMR has played such a consistent, important role in my life as I continue to take this journey of self love, and healing. I hope I can spark the light for your heart/ mind and to be gentle to your being. This is OUR journey. Tingle away and remember you're worthy of all!💕💕

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