#ASMRTriggerWords #FluffyMic #MouthSounds
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
I hope all of you are doing well! Please enjoy this video.
What is your favorite trigger word? In this video for me it is either coca cola or kaneshna.
Sweet dreams!
0:00 - intro
0:28 - tingle
1:32 - babble
2:38 - oompa
3:28 - coca cola
4:04 - quiet
5:09 - today
6:05 - relax
7:27 - kaneshna (russian for sure, at least in how I am learning it. 'Da, kaneshna' is 'yes,sure')
8:40 - vector
9:17 - net (russian for no)
10:17 - gourmet
11:03 - yolk
11:55 - pepper
12:27 - jibjab
12:49 - Zazu (that's the bird from Lion King, right?!)
13:03 - lap
13:21 - apple
13:44 - marsh
Last video to help me sleep/relax:
Come say hi on Instagram!
asmr fluffy mic mic rubbing mouth sounds murmuring moon murmuring moon asmr murmuringmoon murmuringmoonasmr russian trigger word tingle trigger word trigger words