Ehi, ciao 💕 Stasera sono io il trigger ✨ Tanti suoni (soprattutto crinkly) generati dai vari capi d'abbigliamento che ho scelto, uniti a hand movements, mirrored touch e sussurri ear-to-ear :) Un video leggero, spensierato, e spero rilassante 😊 Enjoy! Un abbraccio, 🍎
Hey there 💕 Tonight, I'm the trigger ✨ Lots of different sounds from the clothes I chose to wear, as well as hand movements and ear-to-ear whispers :) A super chill video, but nevertheless relaxing (I hope) 😊 Enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
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#asmr #triggers
asmr asmr ita binaural chill crinkly dormire ear to ear hand movements personal attention relax relaxing rilassante sleep sleepy sonno sussurrato sussurri tingly trigger whispering whispers