🩺 Super Relaxing Full Body Medical Exam But You're ✨Supernatural✨ | ASMR Soft Spoken Fantasy RP

calliope whispers ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Totally normal & relaxing full body medical exam, nothing to see here! It is a totally relaxing full body exam, but it's also got a touch of irreverence and a LOT of doofiness to it. Quinn Curry is back with the Secret Creature Files, this time with a creature called the Abúhuwa from the Cubeo people in Colombia. The Abúhuwa is a freaky looking thing with a horrific way of eating, but they're ✨dumber than a box of hair✨ so they're not really a threat.

Alternate titles included: “Why Are You Sticky?!”, “There is Too Much Flesh Happening Here”, and “Long Beak You Got There, Mate, What's It For?”

NOTE: Quinn is the stupidest of all the stupid boys & her smooth brain read "Cubeo people" in the notes and decided that it was actually "Cuebo" or even "Cueblo"?!, like "Pueblo" and "Cubeo" all mixed up in a word salad? Great job, Quinn. The correct term is Cubeo people. Also when the hell was probiscis actually supposed to be proBOScis? That's both a smooth brain moment & an 'I've never heard that in my life, all my science classes were a lie' moment.

Is That a Proboscis?! ~ 00:00 – 00:53
The Organization Leaves Something to Be Desired ~ 00:53 – 01:18
Do You Know What I Wanted to Do on My Day Off? ~ 01:18 – 02:44
So You're an Abúhuwa! ~ 02:44 – 06:31
Tidying Up & Showing You Medical Tools ~ 06:31 – 10:04
Taking Your Description ~ 10:04 – 14:28
Inspecting You with Light & Magnifying Glass ~ 14:28 – 21:23
Can We See the Tongue? ~ 21:23 – 22:43
Taking Samples (It's Sticky) (There's a Lot of Skin Brushing) ~ 22:43 – 27:42
Looking for Your Ears ~ 27:42 – 31:45
Finger Rustling Hearing Test ~ 31:45 – 32:39
Tuning Fork Hearing Test (Faint Sounds) ~ 32:29 – 35:30
Auscultating for Heart & Lung Sounds ~ 35:30 – 40:48
Testing Your Reflexes with Queen's Square Hammer ~ 40:48 – 47:37
Wrapping Up the Examination ~ 47:37 - 51:48

Triggers include: soft speaking, whispering, paper shuffling, explaining things, sensory brushes, writing sounds, light triggers, magnifying glass, fabric sounds, poking you with a wooden stick, inspecting you, examination, tuning fork, finger rustling, hearing tests, stethoscope, reflex testing, reflex hammer & some tapping.

Attributions: where I first found the creature (https://abookofcreatures.com/2015/11/13/abuhuku/) and I read up about it in the 'Cubeo Hehénewa Religious Thought: Metaphysics of a Northwestern Amazonian People' by Irving Goldman.

Hope y'all enjoy, have a whale of a day! :)

xx Calliope

❥ What Is ASMR? From Oxford Languages: "a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 'ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage.'"

❥ I want y'all to have a safe environment here regardless of where you come from, who you love, what you look like, you name it. I don't tolerate discrimination or hatred based on attributes you can't change like where you were born, what color you are, if you have a disability, or who you love– above all, be kind to one another. We're all just people, just trying to do our thing.

❥ If you want to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it:
Ko-Fi link (one-time): ko-fi.com/calliopewhispersasmr
Patreon link (monthly perks like early access videos & exclusive content): patreon.com/calliopewhispers
Throne Gifts (wishlist for props/equipment): https://throne.me/u/calliopewhispers

❥ Check me elsewhere on the Web:
The Big List Of It All: https://linktr.ee/xxcalliope
Twitter: @xx_calliope
TikTok: @xx_calliope
Instagram: @xx_calliope

❥ About Me:
I'm Calliope, I'm a disabled, Hard of Hearing ASMRtist that got started in December 2016. I found ASMR back in 2011-ish when I was starting high school and it changed my life, so I wanted to create my own content and give back to the community. I'm known for my realistic medical RPs, as well as my pseudoscientific and historical RPs. ASMR is the most important thing in my life, and I hope to continue to make content for as long as possible.

❥ Channel intro created by Bearded Audio ASMR (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJVQJE8WNtZenEzlzpnuA2A) :) background image is “Close-up Photo of Green Leafed Plant” from user Aditya Aiyar on pexels.com, no attribution required.

❥ My equipment:
Audio Recording – Rode NT1-A Microphones, 3Dio XLR Binaural Microphone, Blue Yeti Microphone, Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphones
Filming – Lumix G85 Camera

⭐ Fun fact! There's not a lot of information about the Cubeo people, where the Abúhuwa creature came from, but it's thought that there are between 3,000 to 5,000 of them that live in the Colombian Amazon. (https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/cubeo)

❥ Have a whale of a day and a good rest of your night! :)


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