Close-up Perspective begins at 1:11
Hello my wonderful friends
and welcome to today's medical scalp check, diagnosis and treatment. So it's again a scalp exam with bad / not good results and of course I'm going to use a lot of different & tingly medical instruments. There will also be a lot of palpating, breathy whispering, clicking tools, crispy scratching sounds and the sound of gloves of course💖. So now let me just take care of you and I hope you can relax. Enjoy the personal attention and the scalp care on this beautiful Afro hair in this medical roleplay. And please like if you like it and if you want to see more, then please subscribe to my channel.
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Lots of love
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0:00 Intro
1:11 Close up
1:12 Scalp Check
Rattail, Fingers, Palpating, Comb Teeth, eyebrow comb, medical instruments
4:32 Scalp Check on Parted Hair
Rattail, Clip, Oriculi, Lamp, Light, Tweezers
9:42 Detecting Imflammation
Green clicking tool
13:35 Explaining Procedure
14:41 Mixing Medication
15:52 Applying medication with pipette
17:04 Massaging it in
17:41 Spot-on medication
19:41 Spraying Sounds
20:06 Dabbing with wet cotton pad
22:31 Video repeats in less bright colours with a darkening filter for light-sensitive persons 💖
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Disclaimer: This video is a roleplay created for the purpose of relaxation and entertainment only. It doesn’t contain any medical advice! If you suffer from any medical issues please consult your physician.
4a 4c afro asmr bad results breathy brush clinic close up comb crispy curly doctor doll head female gentle gloves hair hair care instruments kinky kopfhautuntersuchung latex massage medical medical roleplay medizinisch Nape neck not good results Nurse palpating paper parting pipette products rat tail rattail real hair relaxing revisión del cuero cabelludo scalp care scalp check scratching slow spa tingly tool tools treatment whispered whispering 音フェチ