Omg 3k subscribers!! I can’t believe it!!
Thank you guys so much!! You’re always so lovely to me, it’s so lovely to hear how my videos help you guys sleep!! 💗💗
How are you all?
I’ve been trying to think of more Halloween video ideas! If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them! ❤️
My Next Livestream will be: Saturday 30th 10:30pm (BST)
Hope to see you on there!
Custom personal ASMR videos, now 15% off (valid through November 30th). Use coupon code ASMR15 at checkout on my Wisio page 💞
My email for business enquiries:
[email protected]
Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:38 focus on my hand, tell me how many fingers I am holding up
1:22 tell me/asking you what the images are
2:03 hold this clip/give it back
2:30 focus on my nails (nail tapping)
2:39 follow the light (shining torch)
3:20 follow my fingers with torch
3:55 look to the left (testing your hearing)
3:15 rubbing the mic
4:37 look in between my fingers
4:48 look in the square (taking pictures of you)
5:45 hold this
6:05 pick a card
7:04 tapping screen (screen tapping)
7:40 asking you questions
8:22 fanning you with a card (wind sounds)
8:50 focus on finger tips
9:04 stick your tongue out (taking your temperature)
9:32 watch the zip (zip sounds)
10:10 taking pictures of you (stapler and light)
10:24 look at my nose
11:12 tilt your head, spraying water on you (water sounds/ spray sounds)
11:51 wiping water out your eyes
12:13 give me pieces of your hair
12:32 cutting your hair
13:09 answer questions for me, writing on your face
14:01 tell me if you can feel this
14:22 can you feel this? (Mic brushing)
15:06 can you hold this
15:16 look at my hand
15:35 marigold rubber glove
16:03 tell me if you can feel me tugging your hair
16:34 give me your hand (palm reading)
17:16 look at me, how many fingers am I holding up?
17:35 which hand am I moving?
18:31 repeat the words I say
19:19 look at the stapler
19:33 choose a card, guess the number
20:00 put your hands out, scratching you
20:58 outro
#fastandaggressiveasmr #fastasmr #chaoticasmr #followmyinstructions #followmtinstructionsasmr
#asmrfastandaggressive #unpredictableasmr #londonasmr #fastpacedasmr
asmr asmr fast and aggressive asmr follow my instructions blue yeti blue yeti asmr chaotic chaotic asmr fast and aggressive fast asmr fast paced asmr focus asmr follow my instructions follow my instructions asmr Latex Gloves pay attention unpredictable unpredictable asmr