ASMR Layered Intense Mic Brushing Soundscape | 21 Different Brushes | No Talking (After Intro)

Kirsty ASMR
Published 4 years ago

Hello Everyone

Hope you're all feeling wonderful today. Another big thank you to everyone who has subscribed to me, liked my videos and left comments, it means a lot and I hope to bring you many more relaxing, tingly videos to enjoy!

Today's video is a bumper mic brushing video with 21 different brushes (yay I have a collection now!), with layered brush sounds and layered videos. Sound pans from left to right for an immersive soundscape of brushing, great background ASMR for studying, relaxing or sleeping. Really happy with how this video worked out so I hope you all like it!

Take care everyone xxx


asmr asmr brush ASMR brush mic asmr brushes asmr brushing asmr brushing mic asmr mic brushing asmr mic brushing not talking asmr microphone brushing asmr no talking brush asmr Brushing ASMR brushing no talking lots of brushes mic brush mic brushing mic brushing asmr mic brushing no talking microphone brushing microphone brushing asmr No Talking asmr

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