I wanted to do a mix of very relaxing and chill whispers with a bunch of triggering words. So this is exactly a product of that :p Sit back, relax and listen to me dissect a bunch of silly words ^_^
** For this video i also made some diy pop filters out of mesh, they take up less room and block more wind sounds. Let me know its its better!!!
Trigger words:
00:00 - Into
00:40 - click
02:09 - TK
04:20 - Relax
06:20 - Stipple
08:54 - Okay
11:20 - Calm
12:12 - Bubble
13:55 - Flip
16:23 - Good
18:45 - Sleep
🔹 ASMR Playlist - http://goo.gl/rbjICk 🔹
Some of my best work:
🔹 ASMR Light Triggers and Water Mist 🔹
🔹 ASMR Favorite Tingles Around your Head 🔹
🔹 ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam 🔹
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SnapChat @PJDreamsASMR
What is ASMR?
To me ASMR is an art form, just as a movie can put you in a different state of mind, so can ASMR. The difference being, movies achieve this state of mind as a byproduct, while ASMR strives to find those bits and amplify them. Over the years ASMR has greatly evolved from a simple tingle to a full body and mind experience. With an infinite amount of genres designed to help you, most popularly it can be used for relaxation, focus, motivation, stress and anxiety relief.
As the asmr community rapidly grows so does it's understanding. No longer is asmr a guilty pleasure but rather a scientifically studied and proven method of relaxation as a branch of meditation. As a follower of ASMR you know just how beneficial it can be first hand, and if you are new, I greatly encourage you to step into this new world with and open mind... just be sure you're ready for it to be blown.
For more information, check out the official wiki page:
10 words for sleep 3d sounds asmr asmr dreams asmr ear to ear whisper asmr guy asmr male asmr relaxation ASMR sleep ASMR Tingles ASMR triggers ASMR whisper asmr words binaural calming can't sleep insomnia PJ ASMR PJ Dreams relaxation relaxing stress relief tingly words trigger words