Hello my dear loves,
Thank you for being here! 💜 This is my first upload in almost a year, and I am excited to return to evolving my channel after taking the past year to go back to school and become the best version of myself 🌱
To my subscribers, thank you for your patience & support! This video of positive affirmations with hand movements is dedicated to you 💕 Please comment any suggestions that you may have for future videos!
Also, I changed the name of my channel from Paradise of Eva ASMR to Yvonne Xuân-Thảo ASMR because Yvonne Xuân-Thảo is my name. “Xuân-Thảo” is my Vietnamese middle name, and it translates into “Spring-Grass.” My mame definitely symbolizes my energy, spirit, & personality; and, I am ready to share my real name with you all ✨
Sending you my heart’s love for you,
Empress Yvonne Xuan-Thao
**Medical Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. This video is created for relaxation, entertainment, and ASMR/tingles inducing purposes only.
This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have any health conditions please consult your healthcare provider.
#ASMR #guidedmeditation #whispering #positiveaffirmations #handmovements #meditation #spirituality #relaxation ese