ASMR Medical Hand Exam & Massage | Detailed Exam for Sleep | Real Person Roleplay

Jules ASMR
Published 2 years ago

ASMR Medical Hand Exam & Massage | Detailed Medical Exam for Sleep | Real Person Roleplay for Sleep & Tingles
Doctor Exam for Relaxation and deep Sleep

In this Real Person ASMR Roleplay I take care of Lilly's hands and arms. After an extensive skin examination of the hands (asmr real person hand & skin exam), I perform a relaxing and calming orthopedic and neurological hand and arm examination (asmr neurological examination). Relax while I give Lilly's hands and arms a medical exam and then treat tension 🥰. Finish with a gentle hand and forearm massage to bring Lilly into deep relaxation and prepare her for a deep sleep.
Lilly almost fell asleep during this, she was so relaxed🥰 A spa ASMR for hands and soul!

This ASMR medical Spa Treatment (Real Person) is for your relaxation, calming, can reduce stress and anxiety and is designed to guide you into a deep sleep. It is designed to create a strong ASMR effect (head tingles, tingles).

This video is not a substitute for medical advice or a medical consultation.

💌 contact: [email protected]

#asmr #realpersonasmr #asmrdeutsch #asmrexam #handcare #treatment

Time stamps
00:00 Preview
00:30 Intro - ASMR Medical Spa Treatment - Doctor Roleplay for Sleep
00:52 Hand examination with light - ASMR real person skin exam with light
05:48 Orthopedic Exam, Chiropractic Hand Exam with Accuprressure Pen
11:52 Hand Exam - Neurological Exam - Sensory Exam - Skin Tracing and Brushing - Sharp or dull
16:30 Hand measuring
19:00 Hand and Arm Massage - Hand & Arm Massage with Lotion

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