Prim ASMR Steve Miller Band | Fly Like an Eagle

Published 6 years ago

Hey there Everybuddy! 🤗
How are you all doing?
I hope you are doing Swell on this lovely Monday.
Enjoy this time with me while I show you an album from my collection!

Here are a few of my favorite songs from this album, here.

Fly Like an Eagle

Take the Money and Run

Rock'n Me
(Inside story - my science teacher use to play this song during testing times, when I was a Junior in High School,.. so this song takes me back to a cool classroom experience. :D

Here are some of my other favorite songs by Steve Miller Band, that aren't included on this album! (No particular order)

"Jet Airliner"

"The Joker"


Other Episodes from my Album Series:

Johnny Cash (San Quentin)

Johnny Cash (Folsom Prison)

Boston (Third Stage)

Guns N Roses (Use Your Illusion II)

Def Leppard (Hysteria)

AC/DC (Back In Black)

You can find this Vinyl on Amazon Here:

Side Note:
I've been getting quite a few questions from you all about this series!
Q: How many records do I have?
Q: Is this series going to be around for a while? If so how long?
Q: What kind of other records are you going to be showing?

My answer to all of these is pretty simple. Here it goes.
So I have a big selection of albums.
Enough for this series to last a year or maybe even two-three.
I collect as I go, so if you all like this...(Which I've found many of you do.) I will try to keep this going and make it a regular thing on my channel.
I have a huge variety of vinyls.
From all different genres and all different years.
So if one week I show an album from a certain band or artist that maybe your not particularly into,... I could be showing something completely different the next week. 🙂
I'm very open minded when it comes to music.
So if you have any favorite bands or suggestions, please comment or you can email me at [email protected]
I love everything from folk, country, rock n roll, pop, blues, classical music, and many other varieties.
I've learned so much so far from showing these albums.
I hope I can teach you something along the way too.
You all are really special to me, so I really hope you enjoy this series.

🌹 If you would like the option to help support my channel, and also have a chance to see more of what I do and love, here is a link to my patreon.

🌹 If you would like to follow me on Instagram, here is a link for ya!

I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a relaxing night of sleep!
Until next time!


album collection album review album series asmr asmr community asmr-series asmrtist fly like an eagle music appreciation positive asmr prim asmr primieprimprim reading to you asmr record album Records Soft Spoken ASMR steve miller band tapping asmr Vintage ASMR vinyl collection vinyl series

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