Filmed this early September hence the summer themed items🌞
Whispered ASMR all nail stuff haul and show and tell. Sounds of tapping on nail polish bottles, boxes, and paper sounds as well.
My ASMR Hauls playlist:
My ASMR Collections - Show and Tell playlist:
asmrwhisper asmrwhispered paperasmr anxiety asmr asmrhaul asmrhaulandtryon asmrnails asmrpaper asmrpapersounds asmrshowandtell asmrtapping asmrtryonhaul Asmrwhispering calm haul haulandtryon haulandtryonvideo haulasmr haulvideo insomnia mouthsounds papersounds PapersoundsASMR relax relaxing Satisfying showandtellasmr tapping TappingASMR tingles tingly tryonhaul tryonvideo whisper whisperasmr whispercommunity whispered whisperedasmr whisperedhaul whisperedvideo whispering whisperingasmr