Hey there saplings! I hope you enjoy this soft spoken ASMR fashion stylist roleplay where I help you find the perfect clothes for a casual Thanksgiving party! Triggers include: fabric scratching/ fabric sounds, writing with a pen, tapping, hi-chew eating (random but I really wanted one), metal clinking (buttons), scratching shoes, and more! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season/break/week!
I love you all. Never stop growing ♡
-Mahogany XOXO
INSTAGRAM: mahoganywhispersASMR
1. How old are you?
I'm 19! (yes really)
2. How tall are you?
I'm around 5'7.
3. What do you use to film?
I just use my iPhone XS and a Blue Yeti mic (setting dependent on video).
asmr asmr roleplay fabric scratching fashion asmr holiday outfits personal stylist relax shoes sleep tapping writing