ASMR drawing on your face tracing your face drawing facial features face mapping personal attention

Insomniac Dreams
Published 5 years ago

This was a fun one to do❤️ I hope you enjoy my little planets! ❤️ sorry for slow uploads- you never know how long an asmr video is until you have to edit it!! I have so many waiting that just need super long edits 😩.
Snapchat- Venus_love1
_____ _ _ _
/ ____| | | (_) |
| (___ _ _| |__ ___ ___ _ __ _| |__ ___
\___ \| | | | '_ \/ __|/ __| '__| | '_ \ / _ \
____) | |_| | |_) \__ \ (__| | | | |_) | __/
|_____/ \__,_|_.__/|___/\___|_| |_|_.__/ \___|

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