Hellloooo Everyone ☺️🧡,
In this video I will be baking with some soft sounds voiced over in a soft spoken way. This recipe is for gluten-free oatmeal muffins with blueberries (or any fruit of your choosing) I tend to prefer very simple and minimal recipes so this was right up my alley with only 6 or so ingredients. I also like this recipe as it is gentle on the digestive system. Hope you enjoy 🤍⭐️🧡.
Here is a link to the original muffins which I have modified for my needs:
Acid reflux meals asmr baking asmr cooking baking cookies baking muffins baking vlog Blueberry muffins recipe cooking vlog faceless asmr Food asmr friend asmr fruit muffins gastritis meals gastritis recipes girlfriend asmr gluten free meals gluten free recipes healthy baking healthy breakfast recipes healthy snack recipes Oatmeal muffins Soft Spoken ASMR Sugar free muffins sugar free recipes whispering asmr