Affirmation: the act of confirming something to be true.
The brain is the most important organ in the human body. It controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows us to think and feel, and enables us to have memories and feelings - all the things that make us human.
Affirmations are the easiest and simplest technique to influence and affect your subconscious mind and persuade it to change your biology from continually reliving your past to living your future. By listening to positive affirmations and repeating these affirmations to yourself a few times a day, you can reprogram your own thought patterns.
Affirmations are not intended to “fix” or solve your pain. The practice keeps your attention in a powerful place and your brain can create new circuits in response. You have the power to change the way you think by focusing on simple, positive, yet powerful affirmations.
I hope you find this information useful. ♡
1. This is only temporary. The best is yet to come.
2. I can get through anything life may unfold for me.
3. I embrace all that’s good and positive around me.
4. I have control over my thoughts, mood, and life. I will let go of what I am not in control of.
5. I am protected.
6. The feelings in my body are normal and I fully accept them.
7. I will not stress over things I cannot control.
8. I will not let my anxious thoughts have power over me.
9. Each day I am grateful for how loved I am and the many people that care about me.
10. No matter what happens today, I will find joy and peace in it.
11. I am not afraid to ask for help.
12. I am creative enough, brave enough, and capable enough to pivot. I will do everything I can to rise, persevere, and overcome.
13. I choose to be grateful no matter my circumstances
14. I am in charge of how I feel today. Today I am choosing happiness.
15. I have the power to make the right choices for me.
16. My business will survive this.
17. I am in charge of my breathing. I can slow it down.
18. I forgive myself for ever inflating the severity of my problems.
19. I have the support I need and will lean into it as necessary.
20. My thoughts are peaceful and calm.
21. I am the only person who can bring me peace. That is my power.
22. I breathe in relaxation, I breathe out tension.
23. My mind is calm, may body is relaxed.
24. I release worry and know that this too, shall pass.
25. I am free in mind and body of obsessions and compulsions.
26. I am loved.
27. I’ve got this.
positiveaffirmations asmr asmrdoll positive sunsets whisper